Cartridge Filter

Cartridge Filters are a great filtration option for those pools with limited space and smaller pools. Whilst we prefer the Media Filters for ease of maintenance. Cartridge Filters do have some benefits over Media Filters.

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Sand and Glass Filters

Media filters can be filled with Sand or Glass to achieve a long term, low maintenance Filtration System for Pool Water. Check out our range below.

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Pool Chlorinators can save you a heap of time and money. That’s if they are working correctly!

We are pool chlorinator specialists and guide you through your next Salt Pool Chlorinator Or Mineral Oxidiser. Chlorinators range massively in price, that’s because there are some Mercedes vs Mitsubishi on the market. What features do you really need? Browse our list today to see what fits, if not we can talk you through some options.

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Robotic Pool Cleaners

Robotic Pool Cleaners are the most efficient way to clean your pool and remove the load on your pump and filter that is caused by suction cleaners. 

If you have a really dirty pool, we recommend looking at the X6 active or Madimack robot as these cleaners are more suited to bulk leaves than the cheaper lightweight cleaners. You can always reach out prior to purchase for us to help you make your decision. 

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Suction Cleaners

Automatic pool cleaners are a great way to keep your pool leaf and dust free utilising your current pool pumps suction. These are a great cost effective way to clean your pool. The Most famous suction cleaner of all time is the Kreepy Krauly. These are confused with the diaphragm cleaner known as a Barracuda. 

Not all cleaners are made the same or are suited to the same conditions. 

Kreepy Krauly’s are a great long term option but are not always suited to certain pool shapes. Long narrow (lap pools) are a challenge due to the “follow the hose style” of cleaner that they are. If you have square steps or walls, or a long narrow pool we recommend looking at a wheeled or tracked cleaner that uses gears to drive the unit.

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Fresh Water Systems

FRESH WATER SYSTEMS – Every year we are getting better and better technology available with water sanitisers. Ozone is our favourite way to achieve a low chlorine, clean and healthy pool water which is great for people who struggle with Allergies and Skin Irritations from Pool Water.

These systems are widely used in Swim Schools and Olympic Pools as the large bather load is difficult to manage Chlorine Levels without the use of a powerful sanitiser like Ozone (o3 Purification)

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